The mulberries used in the production of Mulberry molasses are obtained from Prof Saracoglu own garden, Malatya and its surroundings.
The type is white-seeded mulberry. Thoroughly dried mulberries are preferred to prevent fermentation.
Brix rate: 69-72
pH level: 5.3 (the range determined by the Ministry is the range of 5.0 – 6.0. Mulberry molasses complies with the molasses communiqué.)
HMF Value: 2 - 35 (the maximum value determined by the Ministry is 75. Mulberry molasses complies with the molasses communiqué.)
It is known that Mulberry molasses helps/supports during anemia and against eczema/psoriasis. Furthermore, helps against constipation and is known by its support as antibacterial and against inflammation. Mulberrry molasses is also used as supporting for mind-opening.